Popular Problems
Rank Topic Problem Formatted Problem
301 Convert from Degrees to Radians 40
302 Convert from Radians to Degrees (3pi)/5
303 Find the Exact Value csc(210)
304 Simplify sec(x)cos(x)
305 Simplify arccot( square root of 3)
306 Solve for ? tan(x)=1
307 Solve for ? tan(x)=-1
308 Simplify sin(2theta)
309 Simplify sin(2arccos(x))
310 Simplify 2cos(theta)^2-1
311 Solve for x sin(x)=0
312 Find the Exact Value cot((11pi)/6)
313 Convert from Radians to Degrees (2pi)/5
314 Convert from Degrees to Radians 20
315 Convert from Degrees to Radians 105
316 Find the Exact Value arcsin(1)
317 Evaluate (( square root of 3)/2)/(-1/2)
318 Graph y=sin(4x)
319 Find the Exact Value sec(120 degrees )
320 Convert from Degrees to Radians -150
321 Expand Using Sum/Difference Formulas sin(15 degrees )
322 Find the Exact Value cot(120 degrees )
323 Find the Exact Value cot((3pi)/2)
324 Find the Exact Value csc(300)
325 Find the Exact Value sec(135 degrees )
326 Simplify sin(x)^2
327 Simplify (1-sin(theta))(1+sin(theta))
328 Simplify (cos(theta)-sin(theta))^2
329 Simplify arcsin( square root of 3/2)
330 Simplify square root of 81
331 Find the Exact Value cot(240 degrees )
332 Find the Exact Value tan(210 degrees )
333 Find the Reference Angle (10pi)/3
334 Find the Reference Angle (7pi)/6
335 Convert from Degrees to Radians -270
336 Convert from Degrees to Radians 61 degrees
337 Convert from Radians to Degrees (4pi)/9
338 Convert from Radians to Degrees pi/9
339 Convert from Radians to Degrees 1
340 Find the Quadrant of the Angle (7pi)/4
341 Graph y=4cos(x)
342 Convert from Radians to Degrees -(3pi)/2
343 Convert from Degrees to Radians 15
344 Verify the Identity (sin(x)+cos(x))^2=1+sin(2x)
345 Find the Exact Value sin(-120 degrees )
346 Expand the Trigonometric Expression sin(2x)
347 Find the Exact Value cot(0)
348 Find the Exact Value cos(-60 degrees )
349 Find the Exact Value sec(330)
350 Find the Exact Value sec(150)
351 Find the Exact Value csc(0)
352 Find the Exact Value cos(90 degrees )
353 Find the Exact Value cot(135)
354 Solve for ? tan(x)=( square root of 3)/3
355 Solve for x cos(2x)=1/2
356 Simplify sin(( square root of 3)/2)
357 Solve for x sin(x)=-1
358 Find the Exact Value tan((7pi)/4)
359 Find the Exact Value arctan(( square root of 3)/3)
360 Find the Exact Value tan(240 degrees )
361 Find the Exact Value sec((4pi)/3)
362 Find the Exact Value sec(315 degrees )
363 Convert from Degrees to Radians 72
364 Find Amplitude, Period, and Phase Shift y=1/4*cos(3x)
365 Find Amplitude, Period, and Phase Shift y=4sin(x)
366 Convert from Radians to Degrees -(2pi)/3
367 Convert from Radians to Degrees 4p
368 Graph y=2sec(x)
369 Evaluate cos(45 degrees )
370 Find the Quadrant of the Angle -(3pi)/4
371 Graph y=2tan(x)
372 Find Amplitude, Period, and Phase Shift y=-2sin(x)
373 Convert from Degrees to Radians 50
374 Find the Exact Value csc((5pi)/3)
375 Find the Exact Value arcsec(2)
376 Verify the Identity sec(x)-cos(x)=sin(x)tan(x)
377 Find the Exact Value sin(-30 degrees )
378 Find the Exact Value tan(-pi/6)
379 Solve for x cos(x)^2=cos(x)
380 Solve for ? sin(3x)=-1
381 Solve for ? cos(x)=-1/2
382 Simplify arccot(- square root of 3)
383 Simplify ( square root of 2)/( square root of 2)
384 Simplify (1-sin(x))(1+sin(x))
385 Solve for ? cos(x)=-1
386 Find the Exact Value cos(225 degrees )
387 Find the Exact Value sec(225)
388 Find the Exact Value sec((11pi)/6)
389 Verify the Identity tan(x)+cot(x)=sec(x)csc(x)
390 Find the Exact Value tan(300 degrees )
391 Find the Exact Value arccos(cos((4pi)/3))
392 Convert from Degrees to Radians -60
393 Convert from Degrees to Radians -135
394 Convert from Radians to Degrees -(7pi)/4
395 Graph y=cos(3x)
396 Find the Cosine Given the Point (21,28)
397 Convert to Trigonometric Form 3+4i
398 Convert from Radians to Degrees (7pi)/12
399 Convert from Radians to Degrees -pi/6
400 Convert from Radians to Degrees -(5pi)/6
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