Popular Problems
Rank Topic Problem Formatted Problem
1001 Convert from Radians to Degrees (3pi)/8
1002 Convert from Radians to Degrees (5pi)/7
1003 Convert from Radians to Degrees 1.5
1004 Convert from Degrees to Radians -300
1005 Convert from Degrees to Radians -210 degrees
1006 Convert from Degrees to Radians -180
1007 Convert from Degrees to Radians 18 degrees
1008 Convert from Degrees to Radians 105 degrees
1009 Convert from Degrees to Radians 130 degrees
1010 Convert from Degrees to Radians 540
1011 Convert from Degrees to Radians 55
1012 Convert from Degrees to Radians 510
1013 Find Amplitude, Period, and Phase Shift y=3sin(4x)
1014 Find Amplitude, Period, and Phase Shift y=sin(6x)
1015 Find Amplitude, Period, and Phase Shift y=-2cos(4x+pi)
1016 Find Amplitude, Period, and Phase Shift y=sin(x+pi)
1017 Expand Using Sum/Difference Formulas sin(105)
1018 Expand Using Sum/Difference Formulas tan(105)
1019 Expand Using Sum/Difference Formulas tan(22.5)
1020 Find the Reference Angle -135
1021 Find the Reference Angle 210 degrees
1022 Find the Reference Angle (5pi)/4
1023 Find the Reference Angle 30 degrees
1024 Find the Complement pi/4
1025 Verify the Identity tan(x)^2-sin(x)^2=tan(x)^2sin(x)^2
1026 Verify the Identity sin(x)(cot(x)+tan(x))=sec(x)
1027 Find the Exact Value cos((19pi)/6)
1028 Find the Exact Value cos(-1/2)
1029 Find the Exact Value arcsin(sin(pi/3))
1030 Find the Exact Value csc(315 degrees )
1031 Find the Exact Value arccos(cos(-pi/4))
1032 Find the Value Using the Unit Circle sin(2pi)
1033 Expand the Trigonometric Expression sin(3x)
1034 Find the Exact Value tan((13pi)/6)
1035 Find the Exact Value arccot(-1)
1036 Find the Exact Value tan(570)
1037 Find the Exact Value cos(arcsin(0))
1038 Find the Exact Value cot(pi/2)
1039 Find the Exact Value sin(-300)
1040 Find the Exact Value sin(34)
1041 Find the Exact Value sin(18)
1042 Find the Exact Value sec(330 degrees )
1043 Find the Exact Value cos(-(2pi)/3)
1044 Find the Exact Value sec(210 degrees )
1045 Find the Exact Value cos(600)
1046 Find the Exact Value csc((11pi)/6)
1047 Find the Exact Value cos(12)
1048 Find the Value Using the Unit Circle tan(30 degrees )
1049 Find the Value Using the Unit Circle sin((5pi)/3)
1050 Find the Value Using the Unit Circle cos(60)
1051 Find the Value Using the Unit Circle cos(30 degrees )
1052 Evaluate (2pi)/9
1053 Simplify pi/3
1054 Simplify ( square root of 2)/( square root of 34)
1055 Simplify cos(x)^3+sin(x)^2cos(x)
1056 Simplify (sin(theta))/( square root of 1-sin(theta)^2)
1057 Solve for ? sin(2x)=-( square root of 3)/2
1058 Solve for ? 1-sin(x)=1/2
1059 Solve for ? 2sin(x)-1=0
1060 Solve for ? 4sin(x)^2=3
1061 Solve for ? 4sin(x)^2-3=0
1062 Solve for x 2cos(x)^2-cos(x)=1
1063 Solve for x sec(x) = square root of 2
1064 Find the Other Trig Values in Quadrant I tan(theta) = square root of 3
1065 Find the Other Trig Values in Quadrant I tan(x)=3/4
1066 Find the Other Trig Values in Quadrant I cos(theta)=1/2
1067 Simplify arccos( square root of 3/2)
1068 Simplify arctan(1/( square root of 3))
1069 Simplify cos(arctan( square root of 3))
1070 Simplify sin(-( square root of 2)/2)
1071 Simplify (csc(theta))/(cot(theta))
1072 Simplify cos(pi/3)
1073 Simplify cos(theta)+cos(theta+2pi)+cos(theta+4pi)
1074 Simplify (sec(x))/(tan(x))
1075 Simplify 1/(1+cot(x)^2)
1076 Simplify sin(a+b)
1077 Simplify tan(-x)cos(-x)
1078 Simplify (( square root of 2)/2)/(-( square root of 2)/2)
1079 Simplify tan(pi/2)
1080 Simplify 3/(2 square root of 2)
1081 Simplify (( square root of 3)/2)÷(1/2)
1082 Simplify square root of 527
1083 Simplify (2 square root of 3)/3
1084 Simplify sin(x+pi/2)
1085 Simplify 1-cos(x)^2
1086 Simplify csc(pi/3)
1087 Simplify (csc(x))/(cot(x))
1088 Simplify square root of 2^2
1089 Simplify cot(pi/4)
1090 Simplify 1+tan(theta)^2
1091 Find the Domain square root of x
1092 Simplify sin(-( square root of 3)/2)
1093 Simplify cos(-( square root of 2)/2)
1094 Simplify arctan(-1/( square root of 3))
1095 Simplify arccos(- square root of 3/2)
1096 Simplify arccot(( square root of 3)/3)
1097 Find the Other Trig Values in Quadrant I sec(theta)=2
1098 Convert from Radians to Degrees -8pi
1099 Find the Other Trig Values in Quadrant I sin(theta)=1/4
1100 Find the Other Trig Values in Quadrant I sin(theta)=12/13
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