Popular Problems
Rank Topic Problem Formatted Problem
1 Solve Using an Inverse Matrix x+2y=1 , 4x+5y=13 ,
2 Multiply the Matrices [[1/( square root of 17),-4/( square root of 17)]][[1/( square root of 17)],[-4/( square root of 17)]]
3 Find the Domain x+y=3
4 Find the Domain x-y=3
5 Find the Domain y=-2x+3
6 Find the Domain y=2x+1
7 Write as a Vector Equality x=x^2+9x+3 , x=x+2 ,
8 Find the Domain y=2x
9 Find the Domain y=-3x
10 Find the Domain y=3x-2
11 Find the Domain y=4x
12 Find the Domain 3x+2y=6
13 Find the 5x5 Identity Matrix 5
14 Find the 6x6 Identity Matrix 6
15 Find the 4x4 Identity Matrix 4
16 Solve Using an Inverse Matrix 2x+y=-2 , x+2y=2 ,
17 Solve Using an Inverse Matrix 4x+4=y , y=6x ,
18 Solve Using an Inverse Matrix 4x+2=5y-3 , y=3x-1 ,
19 Find the Power Set (3,4)
20 Evaluate cube root of 216
21 Find the Power Set (1,3)
22 Find the Domain 3x-2y=12
23 Find the Domain y=5x+2
24 Find the Domain y=2x-3
25 Find the Domain y=2x-4
26 Find the Domain y=2x+5
27 Find the Domain y=1/2x
28 Find the Domain y=1/2x-3
29 Find the Domain y=2/3x-2
30 Find the Domain x=2y
31 Find the Domain x-2y=2
32 Find the Domain x-2y=6
33 Find the Domain 2y+x
34 Find the Domain 2x+y=0
35 Find the Domain y=5x+6
36 Find the Domain y=x+3
37 Solve Using a Matrix by Elimination y=4x+3x-2 , y=6 ,
38 Determine if Linearly Dependent B={[[-10,2],[5,-2.5]]}
39 Add [[2,4],[6,-4]]+[[-3,-7],[20,10]]
40 Determine if Linearly Dependent B={[[-1,2],[0,-2.5]]}
41 Multiply the Matrices [[0,0,1,1],[1,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1],[0,1,0,0]][[0,0,1,1],[1,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1],[0,1,0,0]]
42 Find the Domain y=5x
43 Find the Domain y=7x
44 Find the Domain y=-x-2
45 Find the Domain y=x-2
46 Find the Domain y=x-3
47 Find Reduced Row Echelon Form [[4,-3,1,0],[1,0,-2,0],[-2,1,1,0]]
48 Write as a Vector Equality x+y+z=2 , 4x+5y+z=12 , 2x=-4 , ,
49 Find the Determinant [[0,-1,a],[3,-a,1],[1,-2,3]]
50 Find the Domain y=-x+2
51 Find the Determinant [[2,5,0],[1,0,-3],[2,-1,2]]
52 Find the Determinant [[7,5,0],[4,5,8],[0,-1,5]]
53 Find the Inverse [[1,-3,0,-2],[3,-12,-2,-6],[-2,10,2,5],[-1,6,1,3]]
54 Find the Inverse [[1,2,3],[2,5,7],[3,7,9]]
55 Find Reduced Row Echelon Form [[0,1,5,-4],[1,4,3,-2],[2,7,1,-2]]
56 Find Reduced Row Echelon Form [[1,1,0],[1,0,1],[1,0,1],[2,1,0],[2,1,0]]
57 Find Reduced Row Echelon Form [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
58 Find Reduced Row Echelon Form [[7,8]]
59 Find the Domain 2x+y=1
60 Write as a Vector Equality 2x+y=-2 , x+2y=2 ,
61 Find the Domain x-2y=4
62 Find the Domain x-y=-1
63 Find the Domain x+y=5
64 Find the Domain x=-3y-8
65 Find the Domain x=-2y-8
66 Find the Domain x+y=6
67 Find the Domain x+y=4
68 Find the Domain x+2y=4
69 Find the Domain x+y
70 Find the Domain y=7x+9
71 Find the Domain y=1/2x-5
72 Find the Domain y=1/2x+2
73 Find the Domain y=1/2x+3
74 Find the Domain x-y=-3
75 Find the Domain x-y=4
76 Find the Domain y=-2x
77 Find the Domain y=-2x+1
78 Find the Domain y=2^(x+9)
79 Find the Domain y=10-x^2
80 Find the Domain y=2x-6
81 Find the Domain y=-2x-3
82 Find the Domain y=3x-8
83 Find the Domain y=3x
84 Find the Domain y=-3x+1
85 Find the Domain y=4x+3
86 Find the Domain y=3x-4
87 Find the Domain y=4x-2
88 Find the Domain y=-6x
89 Find the Domain y=x-4
90 Find the Domain 7 fourth root of 567y^4
91 Find the Domain c=5/9*(f-32)
92 Find the Domain f=9/5c+32
93 Evaluate square root of 4
94 Find Reduced Row Echelon Form [[-6,7],[2,6],[-4,1]]
95 Find the Eigenvalues [[2,1],[3,2]]
96 Find the Eigenvalues [[4,0,1],[2,3,2],[49,0,4]]
97 Find the Power Set A=(2,3,4,5)
98 Find the Cardinality (2,1)
99 Solve Using an Inverse Matrix -3x-4y=2 , 8y=-6x-4 ,
100 Solve Using an Inverse Matrix 2x-5y=4 , 3x-2y=-5 ,
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