Popular Problems
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1 Find the Derivative - d/dx natural log of x
2 Evaluate the Integral integral of natural log of x with respect to x
3 Find the Derivative - d/dx e^x
4 Evaluate the Integral integral of e^(2x) with respect to x
5 Find the Derivative - d/dx 1/x
6 Find the Derivative - d/dx x^2
7 Find the Derivative - d/dx 1/(x^2)
8 Find the Derivative - d/dx sin(x)^2
9 Find the Derivative - d/dx sec(x)
10 Evaluate the Integral integral of e^x with respect to x
11 Evaluate the Integral integral of x^2 with respect to x
12 Evaluate the Integral integral of square root of x with respect to x
13 Find the Derivative - d/dx cos(x)^2
14 Evaluate the Integral integral of 1/x with respect to x
15 Evaluate the Integral integral of sin(x)^2 with respect to x
16 Find the Derivative - d/dx x^3
17 Find the Derivative - d/dx sec(x)^2
18 Evaluate the Integral integral of cos(x)^2 with respect to x
19 Evaluate the Integral integral of sec(x)^2 with respect to x
20 Find the Derivative - d/dx e^(x^2)
21 Evaluate the Integral integral from 0 to 1 of cube root of 1+7x with respect to x
22 Find the Derivative - d/dx sin(2x)
23 Find the Derivative - d/dx tan(x)^2
24 Evaluate the Integral integral of 1/(x^2) with respect to x
25 Find the Derivative - d/dx 2^x
26 Graph natural log of a
27 Find the Derivative - d/dx cos(2x)
28 Find the Derivative - d/dx xe^x
29 Evaluate the Integral integral of 2x with respect to x
30 Find the Derivative - d/dx ( natural log of x)^2
31 Find the Derivative - d/dx natural log of (x)^2
32 Find the Derivative - d/dx 3x^2
33 Evaluate the Integral integral of xe^(2x) with respect to x
34 Find the Derivative - d/dx 2e^x
35 Find the Derivative - d/dx natural log of 2x
36 Find the Derivative - d/dx -sin(x)
37 Find the Derivative - d/dx 4x^2-x+5
38 Find the Derivative - d/dx y=16 fourth root of 4x^4+4
39 Find the Derivative - d/dx 2x^2
40 Evaluate the Integral integral of e^(3x) with respect to x
41 Evaluate the Integral integral of cos(2x) with respect to x
42 Find the Derivative - d/dx 1/( square root of x)
43 Evaluate the Integral integral of e^(x^2) with respect to x
44 Evaluate e^infinity
45 Find the Derivative - d/dx x/2
46 Find the Derivative - d/dx -cos(x)
47 Find the Derivative - d/dx sin(3x)
48 Find the Derivative - d/dx 1/(x^3)
49 Evaluate the Integral integral of tan(x)^2 with respect to x
50 Evaluate the Integral integral of 1 with respect to x
51 Find the Derivative - d/dx x^x
52 Find the Derivative - d/dx x natural log of x
53 Find the Derivative - d/dx x^4
54 Evaluate the Limit limit as x approaches 3 of (3x-5)/(x-3)
55 Evaluate the Integral integral of x^2 natural log of x with respect to x
56 Find the Derivative - d/dx f(x) = square root of x
57 Find the Derivative - d/dx x^2sin(x)
58 Evaluate the Integral integral of sin(2x) with respect to x
59 Find the Derivative - d/dx 3e^x
60 Evaluate the Integral integral of xe^x with respect to x
61 Find the Derivative - d/dx y=x^2
62 Find the Derivative - d/dx square root of x^2+1
63 Find the Derivative - d/dx sin(x^2)
64 Evaluate the Integral integral of e^(-2x) with respect to x
65 Evaluate the Integral integral of natural log of square root of x with respect to x
66 Find the Derivative - d/dx e^2
67 Find the Derivative - d/dx x^2+1
68 Evaluate the Integral integral of sin(x) with respect to x
69 Find the Derivative - d/dx arcsin(x)
70 Evaluate the Limit limit as x approaches 0 of (sin(x))/x
71 Evaluate the Integral integral of e^(-x) with respect to x
72 Find the Derivative - d/dx x^5
73 Find the Derivative - d/dx 2/x
74 Find the Derivative - d/dx natural log of 3x
75 Find the Derivative - d/dx x^(1/2)
76 Find the Derivative - d/d@VAR f(x) = square root of x
77 Find the Derivative - d/dx cos(x^2)
78 Find the Derivative - d/dx 1/(x^5)
79 Find the Derivative - d/dx cube root of x^2
80 Evaluate the Integral integral of cos(x) with respect to x
81 Evaluate the Integral integral of e^(-x^2) with respect to x
82 Find the Derivative - d/d@VAR f(x)=x^3
83 Evaluate the Integral integral from 0 to 10 of 4x^2+7 with respect to x
84 Evaluate the Integral integral of ( natural log of x)^2 with respect to x
85 Find the Derivative - d/dx log of x
86 Find the Derivative - d/dx arctan(x)
87 Find the Derivative - d/dx natural log of 5x
88 Find the Derivative - d/dx 5e^x
89 Find the Derivative - d/dx cos(3x)
90 Evaluate the Integral integral of x^3 with respect to x
91 Evaluate the Integral integral of x^2e^x with respect to x
92 Find the Derivative - d/dx 16 fourth root of 4x^4+4
93 Find the Derivative - d/dx x/(e^x)
94 Evaluate the Limit limit as x approaches 3 of arctan(e^x)
95 Evaluate the Integral integral of (e^x-e^(-x))/(e^x+e^(-x)) with respect to x
96 Find the Derivative - d/dx 3^x
97 Evaluate the Integral integral of xe^(x^2) with respect to x
98 Find the Derivative - d/dx 2sin(x)
99 Evaluate sec(0)^2
100 Find the Derivative - d/dx natural log of x^2
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