Calculus Examples

Step 1
Set up the parametric equation for to solve the equation for .
Step 2
Rewrite the equation as .
Step 3
Subtract from both sides of the equation.
Step 4
Replace in the equation for to get the equation in terms of .
Step 5
Simplify .
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Step 5.1
Rewrite as .
Step 5.2
Expand using the FOIL Method.
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Step 5.2.1
Apply the distributive property.
Step 5.2.2
Apply the distributive property.
Step 5.2.3
Apply the distributive property.
Step 5.3
Simplify and combine like terms.
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Step 5.3.1
Simplify each term.
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Multiply by .
Move to the left of .
Multiply by .
Step 5.3.2
Subtract from .
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