Calculus Examples

Step 1
Find the first derivative and evaluate at and to find the slope of the tangent line.
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Step 1.1
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Step 1.1.1
By the Sum Rule, the derivative of with respect to is .
Step 1.1.2
Differentiate using the Power Rule which states that is where .
Step 1.2
Evaluate .
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Step 1.2.1
Since is constant with respect to , the derivative of with respect to is .
Step 1.2.2
Differentiate using the Power Rule which states that is where .
Step 1.2.3
Multiply by .
Step 1.3
Differentiate using the Constant Rule.
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Step 1.3.1
Since is constant with respect to , the derivative of with respect to is .
Step 1.3.2
Add and .
Step 1.4
Evaluate the derivative at .
Step 1.5
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Step 1.5.1
Multiply by .
Step 1.5.2
Subtract from .
Step 2
Plug the slope and point values into the point-slope formula and solve for .
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Step 2.1
Use the slope and a given point to substitute for and in the point-slope form , which is derived from the slope equation .
Step 2.2
Simplify the equation and keep it in point-slope form.
Step 2.3
Solve for .
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Step 2.3.1
Add and .
Step 2.3.2
Add to both sides of the equation.
Step 3
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