Algebra Examples

Step 1
Multiply the expressions.
Step 2
Expand using the FOIL Method.
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Step 2.1
Apply the distributive property.
Step 2.2
Apply the distributive property.
Step 2.3
Apply the distributive property.
Step 3
Simplify each term.
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Step 3.1
Rewrite using the commutative property of multiplication.
Step 3.2
Multiply by by adding the exponents.
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Step 3.2.1
Move .
Step 3.2.2
Multiply by .
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Raise to the power of .
Use the power rule to combine exponents.
Step 3.2.3
Add and .
Step 3.3
Move to the left of .
Step 3.4
Rewrite using the commutative property of multiplication.
Step 3.5
Multiply by by adding the exponents.
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Step 3.5.1
Move .
Step 3.5.2
Multiply by .
Step 3.6
Move to the left of .
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